For more info please visit 'Privacy Policy' section. The FAQs page of this add-on has Google Analytics code. This extension can send links on left-click, a combination of the left-click and a keyboard meta key, and top-level navigation This extension supports managed storage which means some preferences can be configured by the domain administratorģ. The instruction to install the native client is displayed once a link opening is requested.Ģ. For this extension to open links in Internet Explorer browser you will need to install a minimal native client. If an Internet Explorer instance is already opened, then link is opened in a new browser tab, however, if Internet Explorer is not opened, a new Internet Explorer window is opened.ġ. Using this extension you can send links to Internet Explorer without the need to manually copy and paste links.
This extension is the WebExtension implementation of 'Open in IE' opens the current tab or links in Microsoft's Internet Explorer.